Lilac Wind

Lilac Wind Levrier Ecossais

Levrier Ecossais

Lilac Wind Mogador to celtic alanda

femelle Levrier Ecossais née le 14/02/2016

Informations sur Lilac Wind Mogador to celtic alanda

Puce 250269811250113
Inscrit au LOF ? LOF
N° d'origine 854

Les parents

Palmares de Lilac Wind Mogador to celtic alanda

J.Ch Poland


J-VDH.Ch. Germany

J-CAC Ch. Germany

J.CH. Luxembourg.

Les résultats de Lilac Wind Mogador to celtic alanda

1st Excellent Open Class, CACS, VDH, BOB, BIS-3.

Lilac Wind Mogador to celtic alanda - 1st Excellent Open Class, CACS, VDH, BOB, BIS-3.

14/04/2018 - Sighthounds show Darmstadt, Germany

Ville : Darmstadt, Germany. - Juge : Mr Arne Foss, Norway.

2nd Exc Open Class, R-VDH, R-CAC & R-Cacib.

Lilac Wind Mogador to celtic alanda - 2nd Exc Open Class, R-VDH, R-CAC & R-Cacib.

13/01/2018 - International dog show Nuremberg, Germany.

Ville : Nuremberg - Juge : Mrs G. Veiga, Portugal.
